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Exercises that Reconnect: Ignatius & the Environment

As spiritual directors, we have a vital role in accompanying individuals through the challenges of our troubled world. We are living in tumultuous times: climate change, ocean acidification, destruction of the Amazon, devastating loss of biodiversity, melting ice, war, famine … the list is long, and the consequences uncertain and scary. The people we accompany, we as the accompaniers (as well as vulnerable individuals ourselves), need support, nourishment, and guidance.

In this workshop, we'll explore how the teachings of Ignatius of Loyola and Joanna Macy's "Work that Reconnects" intersect, offering profound insights on our relationship with the Earth. Through thoughtful discussions and transformative exercises, we'll learn how to face the uncertainties of our times and to help us engage with what we see happening around us. Join us on this journey of spiritual guidance and ecological stewardship as we nurture our own souls and support others in finding meaning and purpose amidst the chaos.

Annette Kaye

Annette is an Ignatian trained spiritual director with 22 years' experience. Having taught on the Ignatian Spirituality Course for 17 years, is now an associate tutor and Chair of their Council of Reference. Annette is also a transpersonal psychotherapist, and multimedia artist, who is devastated by the damage being done to our planetary home, so is drawn to the intersection of spirituality, psychology, ecology and creativity.

More recently, Annette has become curious about the burgeoning field of psychedelics, and how they are proving to have psychological and spiritual fruits, given a good holding context and accompaniment.

£50 / £40 for Members

  • If you have purchased a package from us, select “Redeem Package”.

  • If you are a member of LCSD, click “Member Ticket”.

  • Scroll down to the 10:00am time slot and click on it.

  • Select “Select and Continue”.

  • Fill out your information.

2 October

Coffee with the Community Warden

13 October

Finding a Spiritual Director seminar